Ann Keiffer

In Which I Give Up Acting Like I Don’t Know

Revelation! The veil lifts!
In my every cell I know
the Numinous is in that bloom of love
I feel for any beauty,
every beauty,
all beauty;
for people in their uniqueness,
their humanness,
their courage and frailty;
for the deep intimacy of poems,
love letters to and from the Holy;
for this living Life,
those moments
when I am suddenly
so unexpectedly present
I disappear and


and all

flooding into
my senses,
body and soul.

Oh, gorgeousness of Life,
chartreuse bird, white birch,
red-purple peony’s red-purple perfume,
African drums in my heartbeat,
Mozart dancing in golden slippers on crystal stairs,
purple cloud-shadows moving on mountains,
taste of rain and chocolate and soft lips,
quickening of exquisite joy, exquisite grief.

It is the end of searching,
the beginning of resting-in.
All Life is water of wonder.
And I am infinite sponge.

Photo Credit: Dulcie Andres


About Ann

I am interested in the strange beauty of brokenness, in transforming possibility in difficult times, in how we heal even when we can’t get better, in the alchemy of surrender, in the interplay of light and shadow, in the bounty of everyday wonders, in the gift of laughter…and writing about it, all and everything.

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