Hole In The Scrim

Sometimes amid
the hum and drum and
din of all my daily-ness,
in some rare-suddenly,
and for just an instant,
a gap opens in the
wraparound scenery
of my reality
and I am
on the other side
of life’s scrim—
in the same scene,
but different now:
weightless, new,

…Stripped away,
the itchy-bitchy,
worn wardrobe
of who I thought I was
or had to be.

…Bagged, binned, dumped
the dusty artifacts of
my accumulated judgements,
beliefs, partialities and opinions.

…cast down,
all my plaques and crowns,
all my ups and downs,
my lifetime affliction of comparisons.

And for one
mirror-in-sunlight moment
in this same-different scene,
I am only and amazingly
a human,
being a pure experiencer
experiencing all that comes to me,
free to respond creatively,
with nothing added on.

Ann Keiffer
May, 2023

Image: Digital collage by Ann Keiffer

About Ann

I am interested in the strange beauty of brokenness, in transforming possibility in difficult times, in how we heal even when we can’t get better, in the alchemy of surrender, in the interplay of light and shadow, in the bounty of everyday wonders, in the gift of laughter…and writing about it, all and everything.

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